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Due to our policy of continuous improvement, Cablelynx Ltd reserves the right to change content without notice.

All information contained in this web site is based on and governed by English Law and subject to the jurisdiction of an English court.

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The site owners, administrators, or distributors shall not be liable for any consequence arising from failure, or delay, in the performance of any of their obligations, or duties, or support expectations to users of this site.

All the site material, together with any suggestions, recommendations, opinions, instructions or any other communication made, both oral and written, directly or indirectly, is offered to users in good faith. No condition, warranty or representation, expressed or implied, is given as to its validity or to the results obtained. It is the responsibility of the user alone for the proper adoption to their own needs, circumstances and operating environment.

The use of any information contained in this web site is at your own risk. You assume full responsibility for all risks and losses which may result from your use of this information.

All of the material on this web site and system is copyrighted. No part of the system’s material may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronically, mechanically, photographed, photocopied, recorded, handwritten, or in any other way. Users of the system do have permission to print out content for their own personal use.

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